Thu 09 Jan
%$LILLy JO ==>>; TemptiNG latINA $%$% ready 2b YOur girlfRIENd %$%$% up all night - 27
. ★ . ((BUSTY)) --- C=O=K=E - B=O=T=T=L=E --- ((BLONDE PLAYMATE)) . ★ . - - 30
( Incall or Outcall Medical Cent)
{{ Corvay is a [[Nympho]]; {{A Real STICK Pleaser}}{{ Freak of ALL Freaks}} {{Waiting 4 Your Call - 20
(I-10 area)
~Two For Tuesday ~ with your faves Honey and Laura! 2gether again Specials - 37
(San Antonio, 410 @ Ingram)
🔵 _ _ 🔴 _ VIP Spa _ _🍒 _ _(210) 520-0598 __🔵 🔴 🍒_ 6136 Bandera Rd_ 🔵 🔴 🍒 - 21
(6136 Bandera Rd ⏠⎠, North West, San Antonio)
Exotic*** sexy.....*** Latina .... 100% me...... Look no further^^^^*** - 27
(San Antonio, 91 northeast/ 410 Loop)
Wed 08 Jan
🔵 _ _ 🔴 _ VIP Spa _ _🍒 _ _(210) 520-0598 __🔵 🔴 🍒_ 6136 Bandera Rd_ 🔵 🔴 🍒 - 21
(6136 Bandera Rd ⏠⎠, North West, San Antonio)
IM BACK!...EXOTIC CUTIE Next-Door... SPECIALS ALL DAY.. Ultra Busty 34f/ Big Booty, Slim Waist!!! - 21
(San Antonio, 35 & 410....100% satisfaction!)
I WANNa be youR gIRLFRIend %%% tempTING / MischieviOUS \ LatinA / - 27
CuRvEs__ (( 100% REAL )) __ P_L_A_Y_M_A_T_E ** Thickest Hand Down - 20
(San Antonio, San Antonio Airport)
Can You CUMn and WARM ME up..I wanna play NOWW...will you CUMn play with me.... - 25
***@$#!DOUBLE yOuR PLEASURE, DoUbLe Ur FuNnNn!!!@#$*** c us!!! - 22
(san antonio/whereEVER u want Us)
Tue 07 Jan
👉New HOT🔥Young Tender FIREBOMB🔥💣Up All Night & Ready To Play All Day😉 - 23
(San Antonio, Sat Airport area & surrounding areas)
JADA's "back 2DAY for all CHOCOLATE, white & CARAMEL men (2/24 - ?)here now 24/7 - 33
ALL NEW ! Meet SERENA Beautiful MODEL 💜 Waiting for u ! 💛 Sweet 💘 EXOTIC Girls 💛 REAL PIX! - 21
(North West, San Antonio, 👉 🔥 6136 Bandera Rd 💋 ⏠⎠)
Looking for The ROYAL Treatment? Then give Me A TRY i promise you wont be sorry!! - 22
(San Antonio, new in town in/out calls avail)
Stunning Blonde G.F.E! Hurry and schedule time with ANGEL! Busty Bombshell! _______ 205*540*2342 ___ - 24
(I-1O medical, fredericksburg rd)
SuperSlippery SuperTight Soft.&.Sexy, Creamy Sensation Wit Explosive Skills 4 Ur Pure Pleasure - 23
(North Central, San Antonio, Vance Jackson & i10)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nina Beautiful Girl 💖💛💚💜💋 - 22
(5545 NW Loop 410 Suite 106 💋 🔥, North West, San Antonio)
❶ ❶❶❶▬❤️▬ 💚╠╣🔴T 🔹N🔸I 🔸C 🔸E🔹💚 ▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🔷╠╣🔴T🔷 ▬SEXY GIRL ▬🔷❤ 💖 ❤🔷▬▬▬▬❶❶❶❶❶ - - 22
(410 i10 .1604, North Central, San Antonio)
;•:*¨¨*:•★ WARNING °o★©•° EXTREMELY °•★©•° ADDICTIVE★ •:*¨¨*:•.LIMITED TIME ♥•:* - - 18
(San Antonio, 135 by splashtown)
Shiatsu Prostate Massage & Swedish Body Massage (most intense relaxation) with Ivanna - 25
(Medical Center)
***** LINNEA'S BACK **** ! New Icy Jet Black Long Flowing Hair HIGHLY REVIEWED ... New LOW RATE - 22
🍭🌟🍭 LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀D▄I▀S▄ C▀R▄E ▀E▄▀T-:¦:I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST🍭🌟🍭 - 22
(San Antonio, Near medical center)
~~ LIMitEd TIMe MISS LIlly Jo ~~~ all NatuRAL latina aVAILable eArly Bird spEcial ~readii NOw~~~ - 25
(san antonio)
@@@ April in San Antonio with red hott outcalls and incalls @@@ - 26
(San Antonio, Outcalls and in calls in SA)
Mon 06 Jan
Exotic*** sexy.....*** Latina .... 100% me...... come play with me***^^^*** - 27
(San Antonio, jones malstberger/410 Loop)
F)_(O)_(R) ___ (P) _ (L) _ (E) _ (A) _ (S) _ (U) _ (R) _ (E) ____ ===> _ ( CLICK_HERE ) - 21
~~ LIMitEd TIMe MISS LIlly Jo ~~~ all NatuRAL latina aVAILable Early bird spEcial till noon only - 25
(north 35 ritttimin)
💛 💚 SUPER Beautiful Staff 💛 💚 (210) 310-9940 🌴 Reflexology 🌴 Nearby Airport 💛 💚 💋 - 21
(8318 Jones Maltsberger Road 🍊 🍍 🍒#126, Alamo Heights, San Antonio)
( *(^^Sexy Elegance^^) *) Sweet & Petite Ebonii Ev!e Is Back With Pi0n - 22
(San Antonio, NE San Antonio)
Sun 05 Jan
💕💋Tu Reina esta aqui para Ti/ Call for Reina ,the Queen who Pleases U Like a King 💕 - 21 - 21
Mmm!! _____ mY ____ yUmMy ____ JuICeY ____ jUggS ____ nEeD ____ aTtEnTiOn ____ SPECIALS-4-U!! - 30
(Medical Center - NW San Ant - I-10)
New Latinas 🔥☀💗💛🔥☀💛💗22 and HOT ! 🔥☀💛💗 - 21
(5545 NW Loop 410 Suite 106 💋 🔥, North West, San Antonio)
💕 Most Beautiful Girls in San Antonio ! 🍒 🍓 🍊 (210) 310-9940 💋 🍉 Nearby Airport 🍒 - 21
(8318 Jones Maltsberger Road 🍊 🍍 🍒, North East, San Antonio)
A▃◥◣◥◣◥◣🐳BEAUTY SEXY ASIAN🐳◥◣◥◣◥◣▃▃▃ 🅰 210-769-6173🅰 ▃▃▃◥◣◥◣◥◣🐳SHOWER KISSING NURU EVERYTHING🐳 - 22
(New arrived Today, North West, San Antonio)
LAST NIGHT HERE!*~* K.i.S.S.a.B.L.e * F.R.o.M * *~* H.o.T *& R.e.A.d.Y *~*~* - 22
(¯`'.¸+ CLICK (¯`'.¸+ ON + ¸.'´¯) ME ¸.'´¯) AVA!LABLE NOW !!!! XxX === Naughty === NyMpHO !!!!! - 25
(san antonio)
❦ ‿ ❦CoMe ExPeRIeNcE ❦ ‿ ❦ SA's NEWEST AdiTTiON with❦ ‿ ❦ SuZaNNA❦ ‿ ❦ - 24
lEt me take care of you...... come and FEel the BLISS of pure Relaxation ..... in or OUT - 25
(SAN ANTONIO ?splashtown)
Sat 04 Jan
°== YOUNG==== °❤° ==== ACTIVE ==== °❤° ==== ATTRATIVE ==° - -$65 dollar $pecial - 20
(I-10 area)
Early Riser~* Laura ~**My Skills will give You Chills**75*S PECIAL TIL TEN! ** come get a taste** - 36
(San Antonio, 410 @ Ingram)
Super sexy💋💋❤️❤️ Mixed 💋💋💋💄💄 naughty busty playmate 💎💎💎💋💋💋 - 21
(Medical center incalls only ❤️❤️❤️, North West, San Antonio)
((( --LAST NIGHT IN TOWN-- ))) Better Come enjoy ME while you Can PAPI -- LUNCH BREAK SPECIAL - 20
(San Antonio, SAN ANTONIO AREA - I-10 AND 410)
▇▆▅▃ ▂•*¨¨* ★•••• JU§T ARRiV€D ▆★ •••• ((100% ME ))•••• ★ ▇ S€X¥ & Sω€€T ••••★80hh*¨¨*•▂ ▃▅▆▇ - 21
Come over and Leave with a Smile a hug and some Kisses Total Stress release 206- 902-0117 - 28
(San antonio)
°•ஐ•° BÅMB¡ ------♥ P€T¡T€ -------♥ PU€RTÕ R¡CÅN -------♥ TR€ÅT☆ $60°|°$70 MÕRN¡NG §P€C¡ÅL§°•ஐ•° - 18
(San Antonio, San Antonio / IH-10 West)
LINNEA'S LAST DAYYY AVAILABLE TILL 5 PM "Highly Review" Hottest REAL Girl San Antonio's Favorite - 22
▒★▒★▒ Best @$$ in San Antonio ▒★▒ BOOTY Lovers Paradise ▒★▒ KILLING the COMPETITION💆🔫 - 2 - 27
(San Antonio, Airport Area)
Fri 03 Jan
(Y_O_U_R ) °°★°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°★°° (L_O_V_E_) °°★°° (M_E_) - 20
(San Antonio, Fredericksburg Rd)
___ YouR PeRfecT ** GeTaWaY ** aWaiTs ___ (( DeLiciOus LaTiNa GiRl )) ___ 100% PuRe FuN ___ - 26
(San Antonio)
°°Fun $!ze HOT $€x¥ exotic BIG BOOTY small waist v!x3n READY t0 play°°° - 22
(San Antonio, OUTCALLS/ i10 @410)
* * * = FANTASIES Do Come TRuE =* * * e X X X otic Ebony Beauty SILKY =$MOOTH =CARMEL =SKiN
(San Antonio Incalls only)
DoN't *~YoU*~ WiSh*~ YoUr*~ GirLfriEnD*~ WaS~* FreAkY*~ LiKe*~ mE - 23
(San Antonio, Incall or Outcall)