Sun 05 Jan
*L*:. _.:*A*:. _.:*U*:. _.:*R*:. _.:*E*:. _.:*N*:*S*:. _ .:*U*:. _ .:*G*:. _ .:*A*:. _ .:*R*:._.:*S* - 20
(I-1O medical)
Lets Make Magic!!! Legal Model With A 2257 Compliance Form - 22
(San Antonio, San Antonio Outcalls Only)
kINky PInK && § T u N N i ng * BLOnDe SpINner 210- 480 - 6919 - 23
Linnea's Running LAST DAY WEEKEND SPECIAL!! I'm a 5 STAR Entertainer W/ that Girl Next Store Look!! - 21
*WoW! * ExXxTreMLy SUPER! HOT! (*BURNeTTe* KNoCkOuT*) * - 21
(Medical Center)
°•★©•° »-(¯`v´¯)-»*• _SUPER SEXY »-(¯`v´¯)-» *LaTiNa CUTIE_ »-(¯`v´¯)-» SPECiAL!! - 21
(San Antonio, bluemel wurzbach 24/7)
SIMPLY THE SWEETEST!!! Young Beautiful Brunette.. Come Experience The Relief You've Been Looking For - 21
Sexy •• Brunettte Becca •• 80 specials Curvy Bombshell 110% Real Pics• - 20
(San Antonio, San Antonio , Tx (410 airport))
Hello Boy's Sweet Sexy Classy Big Tittie Sharee Is New To Town With A Special So Sweet Do Not Miss ! - 26
(Incalls And Outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
Weekend Specials Quality Service Ask About My Overnight Special ”Hazel” - 22
Why Pass Up The Best Big Tittie Little Blonde With The Best Specials & Reviews Call Now - 26 - 26
(incalls / outcalls)
FeAsT Ur👀GeNtEleMeN On ThIs🎀BlOnDe BeAuTy💎AvAilAblE!💎HiGh ClAsS AnD WaiTiNg FoR U!💗 - 29
(Victoria, Victoria tx/houston hwy)
Fetish Goddess All doors open All inclusive Non -rushed experience of a Lifetime!! - 20
(Medical Center)
Sweet >>>> Sexy >>>> BIG >>>>> TITTIE >>>> Littie >>> BLONDE >>> SPECIAL >>> Do Not Miss Out >>> - 26
(Incalls and outcalls)
** SEXY VICTORIA ** Come over and unleash my deepest sexiest secret !!! 210*843*4421 DOING OUTCALLS - 21
(Ih35 n Rittiman)
~S.A. Certified $infully $exy COUGER!!*NO TEXTS * Ready to pounce! - 35
(San Antonio, Ur place or mine?upscale incall)
NaUGhty LaTina SmOKinG Hot UnforGeTTAble ExperIENCe!! (ViSiTiNG) - 24
(San Antonio, San Antonio near hwy 151)
❤G _ E _ n _ T _ L _ e _ M _ e _ N _ s_C __ h __ O __ i __ C__e❤Incall Specials - 25
(San Antonio, I-35 NORTH off RITTIMAN RD)
_ GENTLEMEN_*__ sweet* EROTIC* treat!!!! sexii latina *```` MISS LILLY Jo ~in~caLL SPECIAL~~24/7 - 25
(in/OUT 410W..CULEBRA)
B i G ____ b O o O t Y // B o U n C y ____ B o O o T y // B u B b L y ____ B o O o T y - - 19
Fri 03 Jan
*YoU can StOp cliCkinG,i Am RiTe heRe! all you need! - 35
(San Antonio, YOU TELL ME? (airport area))
___ YouR PeRfecT ** GeTaWaY ** aWaiTs ___ (( DeLiciOus LaTiNa GiRl )) ___ 100% PuRe FuN ___ - 26
(San Antonio)
-~_-~- ** OuTc@ll$p3c!@l **d3n!$3** come play with me im ready!! (210)328-7522 - 23
(outcalls san antonio)
♥♥♥♡☆☆♥♡Exoctic Barbie Here to feed your needs Pan dulce ♥♥♥♡♡♡★★★ - 21
Feb special, Ask! Heather, petite, fun beaming beauty...waiting for you💗💋 - 30
(North East, San Antonio, San Antonio & surrounding areas*)
🌹💋💋specials 2nite! Ask! Heather, petite, fun beaming beauty...waiting for you💗💋 - 30
(North East, San Antonio, San Antonio & surrounding areas*)
√ Stop, take a look* freaky friday 75 specials ** *Native indian~ Latina~ Hottie** - 28
(San Antonio)
♥S U P E R70 **♥** 70 S E X Y♥ - 70* - 21 - 21
*L*: _.:*A*:. _.:*U*:. _.:*R*:. _.:*E*:._.:*N*_ __*S*:. _ .:*U*:. _ .:*G*:. _ .:*A*:. _ .:*R*:._.:*S - 20
(medical center of san antonio)
*°«*»°*Call Mari™ (210)215-6444 now 4 a Hot, 1 on 1 session!! *°«*»°*Come play wit me!™™ - 25
(San Antonio, i-10 & medical)
W€ll R€vi€w€D Provid€r **Experienced * OP€N MIND€D * HOT&R;€AD¥ 4 u ** M!nd B=L=O=W=I=N 100$P€CIAL. - 22
(San Antonio, 410 & I-10)
*~ VICTORIA VIXEN ~* Doing outcalls in San Antonio I am available.. 24/7 210*843*4421 - 21
* ~ SeXy * ITALIAN * w/ the * Best * ASS * U * Have * EVER * Seen ~ Unrushed, No Games!!! - 26
_______*______ MisS Lilli Jo _____*_____ XxXotic * passionate all NatuRal LatIna * MIsS lilly JO - 25
for the best night of your life give me a call it worth everthing and more........ - 19
(all san antoino)
are U reaDy for sum Yummy tasty TreAt xxXoTic () latina 100 fLAT rATE SpECIAl - 25
Thu 02 Jan
*♡*♡*♡* Sweetness *♡*♡*♡* Sexy Latina *♡*♡*♡ Lilly Ann•••••Outcalls Only •••• 100% Pictures ••• - 21
(San Antonio)