Mon 27 Jan
👑👑👑👑 Outcall Only 210-858-6134 💎💎💎💎 Sexy & Busty New Asian Girl Cindy 👑👑👑👑~ - 21
(Downtown, North Central, Outcall Only, San Antonio, Uptown)
~$$** Outcall HoTT N* SeXy BruNETTE ** BiG BooTy LoVeRs $$ *34c ** ThIcK-N-all rite places**$$~ - 28
(San Antonio)
♥ ✘-✘-✘ ♥• ☆ ╠╣ot! ☆ ╠╣ot! ☆ ╠╣ot! ☆→ → SEXY (๏人 ๏)& (_I_) REAL PICS S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ♥ ✘-✘-✘ ♥• - 31
(North Central, San Antonio, San Antonio-NW LOOP 410@BANDERA)
*** Original Fantasy Girl Divine ** Come and Enjoy *- incalls / outcalls ~ lingerie massages - 19
(San Antonio, all areas)
.¸o°o° S m O k I n G * H o T * Special o°o¸. w/a Sexxy Tall Busty Blonde 2 Days left... - 33
💞💋💞💋💞💋💞💋O U T C L L' S/ i N C A L L 💋🌷💋🌷💋🌷 S P E C i A L S 💞💋💞💋💞💋💞💋 - 23
(incall/ Outcalls all over 😘😘, North Central, San Antonio)
o© {LET} °o© {MY} °o© {BODY} °o© {DO} °o© {THE} °o© {TALKIN } °o ( SeXY LATiNA ) - 21
(¯`'.¸ o° ☆o° =||= LATE NIGHT EROTIC ASIAN RUSH !!!! =||= °o ☆°o ¸.'´¯)
(medical center incalls outcalls)
Play With Me ! {•^•} RoLe PLay / submissive / fantasy {•^•} aLL night - 29
(San Antonio, North east)
PLATINUM !!! Weekend Specials !!! I'm small, but I can handle anything... Trust me!!! - 31
(San Antonio, Northwest SA)
***$pecial*** Cowgirls ride'em better!! ***$pecial*** - 31
(San Antonio, Downtown Area of San Antonio)
O.M.G ==> 〓 ToRi'S 〓 _ (( STUNNiNG )) _〓 __BRUNETTE __ (( BEAUTY ))_! - 27
(San Antonio, ♥ 410 and Culebra Rd ♥)
°o☆ Y♥U WILL L♥VE WHAT I DO ☆°o*•° SuPer FreaKy Asian Playmate - 23
(San Antonio, Airport/,incalls & outcalls)
NOT OPEN til Thursday.2/ GIRL/ FANTASY) (120/ both) (2/ SEXY) *hurry limted time - 22
(San Antonio, San Antonio (Castle Hills))
💋 NICE TITS 💋210♡296♡7734Sexy YOUNG Seductress 7734💋 💋 NICE ASS 💋 - 19
(281/Nakoma, North Central, San Antonio)
⭐⭐NighTime~PLayTime Special!⭐⭐Call Now!👅💦 💋MiSSy💋Baby™ Is BAK in Town!! 💪❤💪 - 28
(*Ih10 & VANCE JACKSON, Downtown, San Antonio)
º●º●♥NeW to TOwN!! SkILls tHaT WIlL AMAZE yOU♥Im LiKe No OtHeR sWeEt n PeTiTe mIxEd mOdEl FrEAk♥●º●º - 20
(San Antonio, murzbach, medical center in-calls only)
NEW...EXOTIC CUTIE Next-Door... GREAT SPECIALS... Ultra Busty 34f/ Big Booty, Slim Waist!! - 21
PeTiTe LatiNa Available 10min from downtown&airport; 2ten-838_4344 - 21
(San Antonio, all over SA to)
!!! PLATNIUM GOOD !!! SPECIALS !!! I'm small,but i can handle ANYTHING...Trust me - 31
(San Antonio, Northwest SA)
PICK ME Young🍭Sexy🍑Tasty💦Latina College Playmate available for Upscale Mature Gentleman ONLY🍻 - 24
(San Antonio, Northeast/San Antonio)
★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ★ PEtiTe ★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★A VAILABLE NOW SPECIALS ★▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★ HOT BLONDE ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★★ - 21
(San Antonio, i-610west by airport)
$P€c¡A£ *&0**HOTTI€ $AN ANTO MAMM¡ B€autifu£, $€xy, v€ry fun 2 b€ w¡th $o dont mi$$ out 210.322.9106 - 20
(San Antonio, southwest)
MEMBER SPECIAL ~ Adventures ~ Passionate Desires - 30
( Incall or Outcall Medical Center )
_*_*_*_ OUTCALLS _*_*_*_*_* ... ONLY THE BEST! ... SEXY & READY 4 YOU! ... INDEPENDANT ... GFE! ...
(San Antonio)
°•°☆★°•° OUTCALLS! im your green eyed tan BIG BOOTY PLAYMATE♡♥ lets play! 2106694223 - 23
(San Antonio, San Antonio travel)
######## Outcall Only ######## Asian Girl Cute Rachel ######## Call me 210-852-2984 - 21
(San Antonio, Outcall Only)
OPEN MINDED SExy Latina! Lets explore ur wildest desires··· CLICK HERE!👉🏽 4 APPT! - 26
(410 & I~10, Alamo Heights, Downtown, East Side, Midtown, North Central, North East, North West, San Antonio, South Side, Uptown, West Side)
***One Night ONLY Easter specials*** sexy half breed hazel eyez ready for a great time ;-) - 22
(San Antonio)
▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃☆° ☆° ❤one or 2 girls✈Big BooTy white gurl! ( ¯`SATiSFACTiON 4 U ° •´¯ ) ✈ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 30
(San Antonio, san antonio, north east)
💋💝💛 No Strings Attached 💞💯%***Ashley***❤️ Sensual to the core 💋2109148721 - 21
(MY~PLACe SW *marbarch~OR YOURS, North West, San Antonio)
*** NO AGENCY *** NO RUSH ===== FiT pRetTy BlOnDe ==== Tori 210-848-7581 - 21
(San Antonio, Outcall San Antonio & surrounding areas)
NEW UPSCALE services with unbelievable Skills wanna try it wont hurt come play with tight Grip barbi - 19
(410 loop/ airport incalls asap, North East, San Antonio)
(¯`'.¸ ; ¸.'´¯) PETITE* SEXY* LATINA (¯`$100 ´¯)PETITE* SEXY* LATINA (¯`'.¸ ; ¸.'´¯) - 18
♛ VIP BRUNETTE ViXxXeN ♛ This LADY is a VAMP!! ☎ 210/363-9787 ☎ - 38
(The Rim/La Cantera In/Out/CC's accepted)
Perfect Way to Warm up! Ill make you HOTTER than HOT!! Special 80 Roses - 21
(San Antonio, 35 N San Antonio)
🎀ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ🎀°🎀 P £@¥ m@T € 🎀 ✨ FIN€__LiK€ __WiN€ 🍷**J A W D R O P P I N G**Uρ ➜➋➍/➆ - 24
(San Antonio, in/out all surrounding oilfield areas)
(@)(@)(@)(@) OUTCALLS/Incalls LET me TOUCH u NASTY $100-200 LESLIE 3252613078 xoxo - 22
(San Antonio)
⎷⎛ P A R T Y T I ME - 25
(San Antonio, H⨀TELS ALL OVER!!!i)
P╚» ╚» █▒ Early █▒ █▒ Bird █▒ ☆*¨ P╚» ╚» █▒ Specials!!!! █▒ ☎☎Call Now☎☎ - 21
(San Antonio, AIRPORT AREA)
OUTCALL SPECIAL▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ 140 140 140▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ Your Brunette College Girlfriend ;) WELL REVIEWED - 20
(San Antonio, OUTCALL ONLY!!!!)
^^^^^^^ Outcall Only 210-858-6134 ****** Sexy & Busty New Asian Girl Cindy ^^^^^^` - 21
(Downtown, North Central, Outcall Only, San Antonio, Uptown)
█▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT ▒▒█ ♥ S—E— X—Y ♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ ╠╣OT █▒╠╣OT - 19 - 19
(San Antonio, San Antonio, TX)
•♥~°¥OuR • ~ Sweete$T • Submissiv€ •~ SiN ~•AwaitS ! * ~•~ Im Waiting 4 U! - 35
♥°o° EVERY°o° MAN'S °o° FANTASY °♥* SlAm'iN SamMiE - 20
(San Antonio, San Antonio/Surrounding Area)
♥ {[*noTORIou$*]} ☆☆ {[*$EXY*]} ♥ {[*PETITE*]} ♥ {[*BRUNETTE*]} ♥ {[*GODDE$$*]}♥ - 25
(San Antonio, yourplace♥ :))
***Nun like tha TaStE 👅 of FRESH SHAVED SWEET 🍬 chocolate 🍫 Punanny!!!! - 22
(San Antonio, wurzbach i10)
((NEW))☆●☆ The kinkiest ebony ( • )( • ) *ALL NATURAL* SeXXy Doll ☆●☆ $60 ((SPECIAL)) - 22
(San Antonio, san antonio NE)
* °•❤•° NeW TO0 T0WN!°•❤•° _ SeXii _ °•❤•° _ MiXeD _ °•❤•° _ LaTiNa _ °•❤•° * STR8t FRom CaLi - 23
(San Antonio, outcalls all over)
-:¦:-..•((= PeRfEcT =) )-:¦:-( (=IntoxicAtIng =) )-:¦:-((=tAsty TrEat =)) •..-:¦:- - 23
(San Antonio, any where u like!)
Passion is Passionate 2won0 260-8378or five5one 3716 - 22
(San Antonio, Wurzbach/ All outcalls=250non-negotiable)
********** Outcall Only ######## Playful 210-858-6134 Candy ######## Sexy Asian Girl - 22
(Downtown, Outcall Only, San Antonio)
~*~ OutCALL SPECIAL *_*_* 145 roses & limited time offer!!!!! - 23
(Northeast Austin hwy OUTCALLS ALL OVER S)
(( Outcalls Available )) == (( Available Now )) SeXy PuErTo RicAn (( Available Now )) Outcalls Now - 21
(San Antonio Airport)
. ♥out Of ToWN Tr▃AMERICA'$ ▃♥♥▃ .MO$T. ▃♥♥▃ WANTED. ▃♥♥▃ √CutiE √B(OO)tY √FrEaKY √ Travel to you! - 23
(near sea world nw San Antonio, North West, San Antonio)
★¸o*•°o°☆. S T U N N I N G ★¸o*•°o°☆. N E W ★¸o*•°o°☆ B R U N E T T ★¸o*•°o°☆ B A B E - 21
(San Antonio)
+;';' OLiviA ROse +;';;' most seductive LatinA +;' sweet LIPs +;;'100 FLATRaTE ! - 27
•*¨¨*•- Nothing but Experience & Pleasure •*¨¨*•- Thick in all the Right Places •*¨¨*•- - 41
(San Antonio)
+++++ NEWW+++ seXXy +++ sEntUaL +++ ALL NATURAL +++ bEauTy +++++ - 21
(San Antonio, 10 FWY / 410 FWY / Balcones Heights)